♥♥♥ mY haPpine$$ i$ mY owN LiFe, iF u d0n'T LikE iT ju$t LivE uR LiFe aNd LeaVe mE aLonE...mE wiLL bE 0weZ mE, n0t u bUt ju$t mE.. LuRvE mYLifE, haPpine$$ i$ miNe !! ♥♥♥

Monday, August 9, 2010

b0ys miNd...!!

❤ When a boy is quiet,
He has nothing to say…
( hmmm…n0 wonder laa…)

❤ when a boy is not arguing,
His not in a mood of arguing…
( cehhh…nda penah lagikk nda argue tiap kali xmx @ koL)

❤ when a boy looks at your eyes full of questions,
He is really confused…
(k0nfius….ketara laa nda seriuz dlm relationship)

❤ when a boy answers “ I’m fine” after a few second,
He is actually fine…
( ada ak kesahhh..!! adeesss)

❤ when a boy stares at you,
He is either amazed or angry…
( cuba laa k0 marah….clash laa jawabnya!!)

❤ when a boy lays in your lap,
He is wishing for you to be his forever…
( hmmmm….sweettt…tapi, btol meyh ??? )

❤ when a boy calls you everyday,
He is spending a lots of talk time to get your attention…
( well, daaaa!! Suma nya kedekut kredit…mcm2 jakk alaZan nDa m0 koL…cehhh!!)

❤ when a boy xmx’s you everyday,
He is f0rwarding them…
( juz nda m0 kna marah jakk law nda xmx…mcm nda taw)

❤ when a boy says I Love you,
Itz n0t the first time…
( neyh yang ak pantang neyh…law say I luv u pun nda ikhlaz)

❤ when a boy says that he cant live without you,
He has made up his mind that you are his for at least a week…
( juz a week ??? my g0dness…k0 ingat gadis neyh barbiedoll ka apa !!)

ak nda suka part "when a boy says I l0pe u...itz n0t da 1st tyme"...wHyyy !!!!

tapi ak suka part "when a boy lays in ur lap...he is wishin' 4 u 2 b his 4ever"... haaaa....isn't it s0ooo sweEeettttt....

.... ^_^ ....
♥ bByChiCky ♥

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