♥♥♥ mY haPpine$$ i$ mY owN LiFe, iF u d0n'T LikE iT ju$t LivE uR LiFe aNd LeaVe mE aLonE...mE wiLL bE 0weZ mE, n0t u bUt ju$t mE.. LuRvE mYLifE, haPpine$$ i$ miNe !! ♥♥♥

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Having a precious day with my besties…!!


What a w0ndeRfuLL day…!!! My besties c0me over to keningau because of their w0rk ( outstation )…n da m0zt imp0rtant…they stay at my tiny little smelly h0use f0r one nyte…even itz juzt f0r a while but I’m having a very blazt greatfull happiness with them…itz been a while since I never feLt lyke this….my godness….i’m s0oooo happy….

0ne thing dat I can remember YaYa said… there’s so many cute boys here in keningau…n she might take a chance if there’s a boy want to be her ehem2.... wakakakkakkk….but I never felt so…n teNk juZt lyke c0ncerned not c0ncerned…. Hahahah…

Once we at home, we take bath t0gether gether….wkakakaakkk… (0ooppsss… d0nt think negative okayy..) yaya n tenk juzt afraid of da dark c0z my bathr0om was outside of my tiny little smelly house….hahahah…

F0r dinner, I br0ught them t0 h0ney sweet restaurant…n we order chicken rice drumstik n tea C special 4 each of us…lyke de waiter said t0 us… “all da same, even your outfit to0”…hahahahah….bc0z we all wear black t-shirt…( we are lucky c0z da cops n0t catch us f0r thinkin’ dat we r black metal gurl)….wkakakkaakakkk….fuhhhhhh

After dinner, tenk wanna to g0 t0 servay hypermarket t0 buy s0me clothes… n when we were there she juzt lyke….OMG !! I want dis shirt…n dis one…n dis… that one to0…look at dat one, beautiful dress rite!…hmmm…what ab0ut this outfit??? Am I gonna fit it..???.huhhh…s0 many choices…finally, she’s in dilemma…. wkakakakakkkk…lastly, she juzt bought one f0r her n one f0r her baby waka waka….hihihihih…. BUT !!! (look right n left…n0 people…clear)….she might ask me t0 buy dat one dress dat she lyke da mozt ( with n0 “8” ) when she bank in me s0me m0ney…..wahahhahahahahhhh….funny tenk…

But yAyA…..hurrmmmm….she owez with her hp…buzy with her special boyfriend and boyfriend….everytyme I look at her…errghhh, s0 scary bumpy grumpy… her face was juzt full of tensi0n menti0n fulfacti0n…waargghhh!!!!! (yA..n0 anGry arr) … ( I want to0 tell m0re but I’m afraid she will mad at me)…

Back t0 da story, bout 9 in a half…we check out from da hypermarket n went t0 cemB (CIMB) bank…yaya need to0 take some money…hehehe…then, we decide to go back to home…but, in da middle of our v0yage (ececeehhh)…there’s a football match at da stadium keningau, suddenly tenk said “ let’s watch them play” n yaya answer “ jumm” n I said nothing but juzt drive t0 stadium…well, itz n0t really good as da w0rld cup but itz good en0ugh t0 make us happy t0 see them playing…wkakakakakkk… rite yaya… rite tenk….hahahah…Then, we continued our journey t0 my tiny little smelly h0use n take a rezt….

We w0ke up in da morning n take bath t0gether again but these tyme n0t bc0z of da dark but we need t0 save tyme bc0z we need t0 g0 t0 w0rk….hahahahah…but, before we separate…we having breakfast t0gether…n lyke lazt nytez, we trio having same menu but n0t our outfit….hahahahaha….LOL !! Hmm…itz tyme t0 us t0 make our own r0ad…. Iskk…iskk..iskk… they will g0 back t0 kk n leave me here alone…l0nely…loneliness…

Go0dbye my l0ver….g0odbye my friend….take a safe trip ok !!!

p/s t0 tenk : hehehe…thanx cuz spend me dinner lazt nyte…

p/s t0 yaya : hehehe…thanx cuz spend me breakfast t0day…

p/s t0 both : I’m having such delightfull day with u guys….hope there’s another tyme lyke this again t0gether with Fazz… ahakxx… XD !!

.... ^_^ ....
❤ bByChiCky ❤

2 ceTa kaMu:

yaya said...

so early arr...
really love this entry..
all the joy moment were include..
im not mad at all...
all the tyme a read, i laugh u know...
geee, i miss u oredy bebeh...
yeah, next tyme hope faz is joining us..

xX MizLuckyMiracle Xx said...

i'm hepy u n0t angry at all n u
can laugh to0...fuhhh (relief)
actually there'z many m0re that I
d0nt include in dis enrti c0z it seem
dat dis story was l0ng en0ugh 4
people to0 view....ahakxx !!
miZ u b0th t0o bebehh...

.... ^_^ ....