♥♥♥ mY haPpine$$ i$ mY owN LiFe, iF u d0n'T LikE iT ju$t LivE uR LiFe aNd LeaVe mE aLonE...mE wiLL bE 0weZ mE, n0t u bUt ju$t mE.. LuRvE mYLifE, haPpine$$ i$ miNe !! ♥♥♥

Friday, March 21, 2014

I wish I could....

You know that feeling when you really want something and it is already there infront of you?
But yet, you can not take it and you just sit there watching it disappear slowly from your view.
Yeah, I got that chance too but then problem arise and here I am just watching my chance flew away from me.
“you can only planning but only God will do the work” this quote is so true that it hurt me so much.
I asked many question myself ‘why me?’, ‘ why now?’, ‘if only I can….’, ‘if only it wasn’t me…’, ‘why?’, and so many why…..but then people said it was “takdir” it was my destiny. It is already been written since forever.
Okei, I can accept it. But dear God, can you please lessen this painful destiny of me?
It hurt.

☆ LuckyMiracle ☆

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