♥♥♥ mY haPpine$$ i$ mY owN LiFe, iF u d0n'T LikE iT ju$t LivE uR LiFe aNd LeaVe mE aLonE...mE wiLL bE 0weZ mE, n0t u bUt ju$t mE.. LuRvE mYLifE, haPpine$$ i$ miNe !! ♥♥♥

Friday, March 14, 2014

Penang Backpacking (Original Plan)

actually, plan asal kmi mo p thailand sebab dpt tiket murah. But then, after suda beli tiket flight..keadaan d thailand tu makin buruk, sampai kes bom mengebom lgi, kmi cancel plan pigi thailand..tpi tiket flight pigi KL suda kna beli so syg la kan mau burn cmtu seja (untung jak kmi x beli tiket flight pigi thailand, cuz kmi konon nya mo try naik train…haha). So, dorg ubah plan g Pulau Pinang pulak..yg ak ni just ikut plan dorg jak laa..
and the rest of the story will be coming next..

☆ LuckyMiracle ☆

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